Vineyard Theatre
by Randy Blair, Tim Drucker & Matthew Roi Berger
Scott Schwartz, dir.
Chase Brock, choreo.
Jeff Croiter, Lights
Gregory Gale, Clothes
John Shivers & David Patridge, Sound
Carol Rosegg, Sara Krulwich, Photos
Andy Propst, americantheatreweb.com
"Scott Schwartz has directed Gigantic so that it bounds along energetically and fluidly (Timothy R. Mackabee's flexible rustic scenic design helps enormously in this regards)..."
David Barbour, Lighting & Sound America
"Timothy R. Mackabee's scenery has its amusing touches, including and upstage forest drop, knotty-pine portals, a cafeteria dominated by a big Michelle Obama poster, and that collapsing drum kit."
David Gordon, theatremania.com
"Timothy R. Mackabee provides an interesting multilevel set, with believable costumes by Gregory Gale and appealing lighting by Jeff Croiter."
Elyse Sommer, curtainup.com
"Timothy R. Mackabee has done a good job creating a flexible set with a nice woodsy feel and some clever touches, like a blue cloth turned into a pool for one of the campers to jump into during color wars."